The poster combines various iconographic symbols found throughout the city such as the winged lion and the myth of Saint Theodore and the dragon.
I began by sketching out image I wanted to tessellate as the pattern for the left side of the poster. This design combines several visual symbols I discovered while in Venice such as the Eagle family crest, religious figures such as Saint Theodore, and the floral decorative patterns found on many of the cities building interiors.
When I digitally illustrated the pattern module I took care to place each element so that it felt purposeful and the full image would fit naturally when repeated on all four sides. While illustrating the figures themselves I chose to utilize a more simplified visual style as too much detail would over complicate the pattern.
From the start of the project I knew that I wanted the winged lion of Venice to be an important part of the composition as it is recognized as the symbol of the city. Specifically I chose to illustrate the famous and ancient bronze winged lion which stands atop a pillar in the Piazza San Marco.
For the digital rendering of the winged lion I decided to keep in the smaller details that help define the texture and form of the sculpture. I also utilized two tones of green and tan to add further dimensionality to the lion and the pillar.